Kitchen Installation Penn Hill

Cooking and meal preparation. Washing dishes. Making a cup of coffee or grabbing a bowl of cereal. Baking tasty treats. Laundry and clothes drying. Socialising during gatherings. Feeding the cat or dog. Making cocktails. Sorting the recyclable waste. What do all of these things have in common? They are all activities that take place in many people’s kitchens.

Sure, some of these may not apply to your personal situation. You may be fortunate enough to have a separate utility room for your laundry, or maybe you don’t have a pet. However, it’s likely that whatever your lifestyle, the kitchen plays a huge role in your day to day life. Many people take it for granted, but when you think about how much you actually use your kitchen, you start to realise just how vital it is. And this is why it is so important to have a kitchen that suits you.

A kitchen that looks good and has the features necessary to meet your specific needs will have a huge impact on the liveability of your home. Being able to go about your daily routines with a kitchen that is designed to make your chores and activities easier and more seamless can enhance your everyday life. If you find yourself getting stressed or frustrated due to the limitations of your current kitchen then it’s definitely time to think about a new one.

As expert kitchen fitters we have vast experience in providing professional, bespoke kitchen installation services at all types of homes throughout Dorset. We have witnessed first hand the massive difference a brand new kitchen can make to a property and those living there. After having a kitchen installed that has been created to suit their specific lifestyle, our clients tend to gain a new level of appreciation for the importance of a good kitchen.

Kitchen Installation Poole

We recently completed the design, supply and installation of a fully bespoke kitchen at a property in Penn Hill, Poole. The previous kitchen was functional, in good condition and it wasn’t a bad space by any stretch of the imagination. However, it did suffer one major flaw – it didn’t quite meet the needs of the homeowners. So, they made the correct decision by giving us a call and asking us to help make their dream kitchen a reality.

As already mentioned we provided full design, supply and installation services during this project. That doesn’t just cover the kitchen units and fixtures though. Our team of kitchen fitters have specialist skills which span many trades and areas, allowing us to deliver a truly comprehensive service. This project included plastering, electrics, plumbing and tiling as well as the supply and installation of Amtico flooring and quartz worktops.

The image that the clients had in mind for their new kitchen required a complete refurbishment of the area, with new fixtures and fittings throughout. They wanted it to incorporate more storage space, increased worktop area, new lighting and a few other specific features to ensure their kitchen suited them and their lifestyle. As always, Champion Projects was more than happy to make it happen.

We worked closely with the clients, discussing exactly what they wanted and needed from their kitchen, before going away and putting together a design based on their specifications. After receiving full approval we got to work.

Kitchens Designed in Dorset

To increase the available space within the kitchen we removed a fitted counter from one side of the kitchen. This also allowed the area to be accessed from either side, which made it much more convenient. New appliances were installed throughout, including an integrated fridge freezer, hiding it from view behind the fantastic aesthetics of the cupboard design. Another important feature requested by the client was the inclusion of a bespoke wine rack – they had even drawn their own design! We created it to their specifications and it was incorporated alongside a drinks cooler into one of the counters to great effect.

The entire project was a success and the clients were absolutely thrilled with their new kitchen that suited them perfectly. You can see more photos of the complete kitchen upgrade below. If you think it’s time to enhance your everyday life with a bespoke kitchen designed to meet all of your needs, get in touch with us today.

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